🚨  BLACK FRIDAY SALE  🚨 10% OFF on purchases of $100 – Until Sunday November 26

🚨BLACK FRIDAY SALE🚨 – 10% OFF on purchases of $100
Until Sunday November 26

Expert Drops Depigment Protocol


Day and night protocol for daily use with a serum texture and a combination of active ingredients and patented technologies from Cantabria Labs for bright skin and even complexion.


ENDOCARE EXPERT DROPS Illuminating Serum Brightening Antioxidant. Day treatment with a combination of active ingredients: Stabilised Vitamin C, EDAFENCE® and SCA® which reinforces the skin barrier, protects and repairs against pollution and other external aggressor factors. For radiant and bright skin.

ENDOCARE EXPERT DROPS Pigment Balance Serum Depigmenting Lightening. Night treatment with a dual active depigmentation system: Azelaic System and Tranexamic Acid which reduces melanin production, reduces dark spots and marks. Reinforced with Retinol, a powerful rejuvenating active ingredient. For a more uniform and luminous skin tone.

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